About this Walk
When did Calgary’s current airport open for business? Where was Calgary’s first airport? Where is the oldest surviving airport building in Calgary? Who are the streets in the airport area named for and why? Who did Marilyn Munroe fight with in Calgary’s airport terminal in 1953? (I sure hope someone knows the answers to these questions, or this is going to be a real short, dull walk…) Hike along with us as we shout over noisy airplanes for a look at Calgary’s aviation history, some of its great characters and some of its tragic moments. With Richard de Boer, a plane spotter for over 50 years and founding member of Calgary’s Hangar Flight Museum.
Meet in the parking lot of the Hangar Flight Museum, 4629 McCall Way NE.
Quadrant: NE
Meeting Place: Parking lot of Hangar Flight Museum, 4629 McCall Way NE
Walk Duration: 1.5 hour(s)
Areas of Interest: Architecture | History | Getting Around |
Led By: Richard de Boer
Inner City: No
About the Walk Team
Jane's Walks wouldn't exist without the help of our dedicated team of volunteers.
Walk Leader(s): Richard de Boer
President, Calgary Mosquito Aircraft Society. President, Calgary chapter, Canadian Aviation Historical Society. Pilot. Skydiver.
Flying Through History: A Look at Calgary’s Airports, Airplanes and Famous Flyers